Online travel sites like Orbitz and Expedia can help you find the lowest rates on hotel rooms. If you are a member of a particular hotel's loyalty program, remember to include that information when you are checking on rates. You may also be able to get good discounts due to AAA or AARP membership.
When leaving your hotel room, keep any electronics you have secure by putting them in the room's safe. You can use it to store your tablet and other expensive items to keep them secure.
The organizations that you are a member of might be of help. Sometimes you can get discounted hotel prices through these organizations. You may save ten percent or more. This is especially useful if you plan to book a longer stay. This can mean a lot of savings over a full week stay.
Be sure to look at your room before unpacking your suitcase. Is it clean? Do the sink, shower and toilet work properly? Do you have enough towels and linens? If you quickly note any problems, let the person at the front desk know so they can help you sort it out or give you a better room.
This article has proven that it is easy to find an affordable, comfortable hotel. Because you have learned what to look for now, you are ready. Make your reservations, and you will have a wonderful stay. You are bound to have wonderful stories to tell when you get back!