With the advent of the
24 hour news cycle, incessant mobile connectivity, fast and prepackaged food,
the amount of disconnect we feel from the world around us is at the highest
level it has ever been at.
There is a lot you can
do both for your physical self and your emotional and mental well-being. Eating
organic, buying local, raising some of your own crops or animals to installing
sources of green-energy generation equipment around your home.
For many of us though,
that is not something feasible. We are either too busy, lack the available
space for such things, or feel like doing what we are isn’t enough to
balance-out everything else in your life that’s ‘unnatural’.
A new style of retreat
or vacation has come into being and they’re known as ‘natural living
vacations’, ‘eco-friendly vacations’ and ‘eco-tourism.’
In a natural living
vacation, you will stay in a place that is as eco-friendly as possible, with
like-minded people in a place that has as small of a footprint as possible on
our planet.
The level of comfort on
these vacations can vary from bare-bones camping, to luxury villas in the
African bush. Whatever you chose, or even if you go your own route, you can
take part in a myriad of activities from animal safaris, hiking, community
gardening and sightseeing of natural wonders.
The reasons why people
go on natural living vacations are as varied as the places that you can take
then at. Many people just want to get away from the 24 hour connections to
technology of modern life, eat organic and healthy while cleansing their system
and getting away from all hectic, attention-grabbing devices that modern life
revolves around.
On a natural living
vacation, the aim is to provide you with wholesome sustenance for mind, body
and soul. You can feel good about the places you stay at that have a track
record of being eco-friendly and get back to a more basic state of mind, free
from all the mind and body pollutants that cloud our daily lives.
Not to worry though,
going on a natural living vacation doesn't mean that you won't be unreachable
by your friends and family, so you don't have to worry about not being alerted
to an emergency. But when you go, do try to relax a bit and put the cell phone
and laptop down.